About the KFA
In 2012 KFA achieved not-for-profit status and received a 501(c) 3. Status in 2014 KFA currently has a little over 260 members that include Kansas landowners who manage woodlands and windbreaks, Tree Farmers, walnut growers, ranchers, farmers, foresters, wildlife biologists, research scientists, loggers, natural resource organizations, government agencies, and people who simply love woodlands and windbreaks and the wildlife and recreational opportunities they provide.
Why a Forestry Association in Kansas?
Kansas forests, woodlands, windbreaks and trees cover 4.1 million acres of the state (9%). The linear nature of Kansas forests creates benefits well beyond the land they occupy. Kansas forests tend to follow streams and rivers while crop fields are often protected by windbreaks and shelterbelts. These trees improve water quality and crop yields and provide important soil conservation benefits and wildlife habitat for bald eagles, wild turkey, white-tailed deer and song birds. Woodlands also provide important recreational and quality of life opportunities. Trees like black walnut and bur oak are highly sought after by loggers and Kansas forest industry provides an estimated $2.3 billion annually to the Kansas economy in 2021 dollars. Since 92% of Kansas woodlands are privately owned the responsibility for sustaining their health and productivity falls squarely on the shoulders of Kansas landowners. And that’s why membership in KFA is so important.
Benefits of Membership
Provides a network for woodland owners, natural resource professionals, forestry industry and scientists to share experiences and research-based information on the management of woodlands, windbreaks, wildlife and related resources.
Members receive invitations to Field Days, conferences and other educational events.
Members are automatically added to the mailing list for the Kansas Canopy newsletter that provides the most current forestry news in the state.
Membership includes an annual copy of the National Woodland Owners magazine.
Members receive an exclusive discount on all purchases from Forestry Suppliers, Inc.
How Membership Works
KFA membership may be obtained by:
1) Purchasing an individual membership at your desired giving level. Annual dues are renewed in January.
2) Becoming recognized as a Tree Farmer by the American Forest Foundation.
3) Becoming a member of the Kansas Chapter of the Walnut Council.
**Members are encouraged to consider serving on the Board of Directors, who are nominated in October for a three year term.