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Kansas Agroforestry Award

The Kansas Agroforestry Award recognizes individual private landowners and families that have done an exceptional job of managing and implementing agroforestry practices on their property. Through public recognition these people are held up as leaders in agroforestry while their lands demonstrate the benefits of such practices. The purpose of the award is to promote the adoption of agroforestry practices into Kansas agricultural systems.


Eligibility and Guidelines:

  • Must have a management plan guiding the implementation of agroforestry practices.

  • Preferred locations are central and western Kansas Forest Service districts, but eastern districts are also eligible.

  • Windbreak renovation, silvopasture, alley cropping, forest farming, riparian forest buffers and special applications are all eligible practices. Agroforestry practices must be at least 5 years old.


Awards Materials:

  • A sign will be presented to the winner each year that includes KACD, Tree Farm, Walnut Council, KFA and KFS logos, award title, landowner’s name and year of the award. 

  • In addition to the sign the winner will receive a Kansas Agroforestry Award walnut plaque (includes a brass plate that must be engraved with the winner’s name), and a $200 gift certificate from KFA.

  • The award will be presented by the State Forester and KFA President.

  • The Rural Forestry Coordinator is responsible for awards materials and placing the awards order with ATFS a minimum of 30 days prior to the Agroforestry Field Day.


Nomination Procedure:

  • Kansas Forest Service foresters, Conservation Districts/KACD members, natural resource professionals, agroforestry landowners and Kansas Forestry Association members are all invited to submit nominations for the Kansas Agroforestry Award.

  • If possible nominations should be received by the end of February for each calendar year.

  • The Kansas Forestry Association will select the award winner during their February meeting by majority vote.



  • The Rural Forestry Coordinator is responsible for promoting the award and award winners.

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2019 Kansas Agroforestry Award Winners


Roger Wells and his daughter Angela Anderson with District  3 Forester Howard Freerksen

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Downard Family Kansas Agroforestry Award Winners 2017

2017 Kansas Agroforestry Award Winners


Pictured left to right: Kyle Downard, Karen Haley, Kim Downard, Jim Downard; Larry Biles, KS State Forester; Luke Terry, Custom Forestry Applications; Thad Rhodes, District 5 Forester

Not pictured: Ed Downard




2018 Kansas Agroforestry Award Winners


Top Picture:  Jim and Anita Reitz with State Forester Larry Biles and Water Quality Forester Andy Klein


Bottom Picture:  Representatives from the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas with Rural Forestry Coordinator Bob Atchison





2016 Kansas Agroforestry Award Winners


Twylia & Marvin Sekavec with KFS Rural Forestry Coordinator Bob Atchison

Sekavecs Kansas Agroforestry Award Winners 2016
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