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Agroforestry Day - Ness County

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Agroforestry is the integration of trees and shrubs into farming and ranching operations to maximize conservation benefits while simultaneously providing economic benefits for the overall operation.  Windbreaks and riparian buffers, are the most common agroforestry practices in Kansas.  Other examples include silvopasture and alley cropping.  


On Thursday, May 12th Kansans will have the opportunity to experience agroforestry first hand at the 2016 Agroforestry Field Day scheduled for Thursday, May 12th just east of Ness City. The field day will be hosted on Marvin and Twylia Sekavec’s 400 acre farm.  


The Sekavec’s have planted over 10,000 trees and shrubs over the last 20 years representing   over 30 different species.  These plantings have been designed as part of a holistic natural resource management system.  These plantings include windbreaks, wildlife habitat, and riparian buffers of bald cypress that improve water quality, reduce wind erosion and provide energy savings.  


Grassed terraces, waterways and multiple cover cropping systems all contribute to this model conservation landscape.  Special shrub and vine plantings around the house site attract a variety of song birds, butterflies, other critters.  


This setting provides a variety of hands-on educational opportunities that will be offered at the field day by a variety of natural resource professionals with wildlife, forestry, range expertise.  It is also an opportunity for farmers, ranchers and landowners to share their conservation project successes and projects.  


Marvin and Twylia Sekavec will kick off the field day providing an overview of their property and accomplishments.  Sessions on landscaping the farmstead, attracting songbirds, a tree planting demonstration, renovating old windbreaks, treating tree pest problems and controlling woody invasives are just a few of the topics that will be covered.  


The Sekavec’s farm is located 7.25 miles east of Ness City on HWY 96; then 3 miles north on County Road Z; then west 0.25 mile on County Road 160.  Their address is 25656 160 Road, Brownell, KS  67521.


Lunch and refreshments are provided as part of a $7 dollar registration fee.  Participants may register by mailing a $7 dollar check made out to the Ness County Conservation District, 18635  140 Road, Ness City, KS 67560-6196 or calling at 785-798-3614.  A brochure and registration are available below.

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